Leaving the civilisation for a new experience

There hardly exist enough words to describe how I’ve experienced the desert. I’ll give it a try anyway but I suppose everyone needs to see it by themselves to get the meaning of it;) The landscape was incredibly amazing, breathtaking with a lot of details to explore. Although we’d let the civilisation and with that many things we are used to behind us, I always felt safe, comfortable and well taken care of. Our well-being was truly important to our guides. They were always mind- and respectful, open for our many questions and treated us with very delicious menus. We lived on the basics but didn’t have the longing for more, that was really impressive to realise. This tour has definitvely taught me many essential things for life which I’m grateful for.

All in all I can say it wasn’t the last time I attended this kind of tour.
I’d like to say thank you for everything!

Virginia, Kreuzlingen